Innovation showcase 2022 1 500x262
Creative HQ - GovTech Year 2
GovTech Accelerator Programme Foundational Partner
3 year Foundational Partnership of the Creative HQ GovTech Accelerator Programme - to drive public sector innovation. This years Programme had 14 government projects, NGOs and Startups – all focusing on social and environmental challenges that are facing Aotearoa.
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Gov Tech Meet and Experience 2 2021 16
Creative HQ - GovTech Accelerator Programme
Foundational Partner
3 year Foundational Partnership of the Creative HQ GovTech Accelerator Programme - to drive public sector innovation. This years Programme was focusing on Sustainability in all its forms.
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Our investments govtech manawa 2019
Manawa - Measuring whānau wellbeing
Hear our voices - A better way to measure the effectiveness of social services for Māori.

We sponsored a team, led by the Social Wellness Agency (SWA) and local community representatives to enter the 2019 GovTech Accelerator programme. This project is now creating software that collects and combines whānau voices with existing government data, to change the way social sector contracts are deployed.
The Social Wellbeing Agencies' website
GovHack Aotearoa
Sponsorship of 2017 GovHack Aotearoa event
NZ Innovation Council
Sponsorship to the NZ Innovation Council Awards
Inspiring Stories Photo for website
Inspiring Stories
In October 2022 WGIF sponsored Inspiring Stories to prototype and test two regional youth summits – a free and inclusive experience for over 100 rangatahi in the Bay of Plenty (Opotiki) and Northland (Whangarei) regions. Each event provided a high-quality day of connection, inspiration and action, and acted as a launchpad to develop and support youth-led ideas for change. The Youth Summits were designed to:

- Foster innovation and leadership experience, knowledge, and skills
- Develop and strengthen connections with leaders from local business, community and government
- Explore key issues affecting the future of their community/region
- Develop and present their ideas to make a difference for the future of their community/region
- Put ideas into action as part of a local impact challenge
Inspiring Stories
Docket SBN for Website
Sustainable Supply Chain Toolbox (Now Docket)
WGIF sponsored a team from MBIE and SBN to participate in the GovTech Accelerator, focusing on making New Zealand supply chains more sustainable. This was a business-government partnership to combine knowledge and scale the impact of sustainability through supply chains through a tool for small-medium businesses. Now launched as ‘Docket’.
Docket - SBN (
Nga mihi Photo for website
Ngā Mihi - providing essentials for people in our prisons
In 2022, WGIF committed $50,000 and partnered with GovTech team to accelerate the impact of their solution. Ngā Mihi is a social enterprise that facilitates the purchase and delivery of preapproved goods to individuals within New Zealand Corrections Facilities. This service was developed by Take2 graduates who have experienced the struggle first-hand of not having easy access to their basic needs, such as socks, shoes, or underwear. Faced with this problem, Ngā Mihi has been on a mission to make things easier for both New Zealand prisoners and their whānau by implementing a hassle-free and secure marketplace that allows the whānau and friends of prisoners to purchase prison-approved items. Ngā Mihi’s Essentials Store lets people in prison access and request a range of pre-approved essential items. Orders are reviewed and approved by Corrections, after which a unique link is sent to whānau to complete the purchase. Whānau receives regular updates to let them know when items have shipped and when the person in prison receives them.
Ngā Mihi | Home
MT Photo for website
Manaaki Tairawhiti
In 2021, WGIF committed $50,000 and partnered with a GovTech team to accelerate the impact of their work. Manaaki Tairāwhiti are catalysing positive change in the social services sector for whānau in Tairāwhiti. Through the GovTech Accelerator, they created Urungi. Urungi is a tool that enables the accurate and efficient collection and analysis of this data. With Urungi, Manaaki Tairāwhiti can collect and aggregate the challenges of the current system for whānau in real-time - enabling systemic improvements to social services with whānau voices at the heart.
Home - Manaaki Tairāwhiti
Up South Photo for website
In 2022, WGIF sponsored a team from Auckland Council called UpSouth to participate in the NZ GovTech Accelerator. UpSouth is a call-to-action platform that empowers the voices of rangatahi in Tāmaki Makaurau and the wider Aotearoa. It is a digital first solution solving engagement pressures through co-design with young people. Organisations provide micro-financing to rangatahi for their ideas through genuine engagement. The open invitation and fair compensation for their involvement attracts young people. Being heard, the sense of community and being a part of the future planning of our city keeps everyone engaged.
Based on a successful pilot in South Auckland, the UpSouth project aims to develop a viable social impact venture in partnership with private, public and third sector allies to transform this rangatahi (youth) engagement platform into a widely used positive social impact tool that supports an economy of mana.