Bespoke Investments
Development of a death notification and data delivery service that partners with the DIA, to process and disseminate identity and personal data related to the end of life. MyTrove is a free service that allows selected individuals (family members, your lawyer etc.) – to notify multiple organisations after you’ve passed away; all in one place, at the click of a button.
MyTrove website
Our investments open banking challenge 2018
Open Banking showcase
Feasibility project to design and build an 'Open Banking Challenge' to explore and showcase the potential of the emerging technology
Our investments disease surveillance 2017
Disease Surveillance - Can transaction data shape government policy?
Professor Shaun Hendy, Director of Te Pūnaha Matatini (a Centre of Research Excellence hosted by the University of Auckland), and his team, had a unique opportunity to investigate historical and anonymised bank transaction data to see if they could identify spending patterns in a community following a disease outbreak. If they could find patterns, they could be turned into a model that could be used by Government policy advisors – giving them new insights into how communities respond to large scale events.
View case study
Our investments exploring check use in New zealand 2017
Exploring cheque use in New Zealand from a human centred perspective
Research project to consider the human centred challenges of cheque usage and explore solutions for transitioning from cheques to other payment options. The aim of the project was to produce a base of actionable insights that can be used by banks, businesses and government agencies to help transition people to less expensive and ultimately more durable and sustainable payment services.
Link to download the research
Cheque Transition Government Working Group
The Fund established and supported a cross government working group to share challenges of cheque usage and explore solutions, for transitioning from cheques to other payment options.
Our investments MPI virtual border assistant 2017
MPI Virtual Border Assistant
Testing the technological and social feasibility of applying AI avatars to assist with border control. Say Hi to Vai … New Zealand’s first digital biosecurity officer. After an intensive and months-long period of prototyping, testing, tweaking, refining and training, ‘Vai’ (Virtual Assistant Interface) was deployed in Auckland Airport in early 2018.
2 shakes
2 Shakes - AML for SME's
Anti-money laundering solution for SMEs to on-board new clients.

When a financial services business gains a new customer, it often takes time before the two businesses can start working together. Regulations, compliance and permissions – both public and private – can slow everything down. 2Shakes makes the whole customer onboarding process a lot simpler – and faster.
2Shakes website
Our investments cyber credentials 2016
Cyber Credentials
A cyber credentials scheme to raise awareness of cyber security amongst NZ SMEs & help them implement cyber security protection. Small business owners are busy. Trying to navigate the complex and ever-changing world of cyber security is a headache they don’t need. We funded a pilot programme to develop a cyber security audit service for small businesses.