Case study
Daisy Lab
Disruptive food technology is a growing international market. New Zealand needs to get ahead to maintain its reputation in the industry and to maximise the opportunity for the New Zealand economy.

Daisy Lab is working to substantially reduce the environmental impact from traditional dairy and diversify our food production with animal-free alternatives. To do so they are developing a microbial system that can produce dairy proteins more sustainably, with up to 97% less greenhouse gases than traditional dairy farming.

WGIF allowed Daisy Labs to reach their research goals faster by testing additional microbial systems. WGIF came at a pivotal time. It set Daisy Lab up to drive their growth strategy forward, making them a more attractive proposition as they start seeking investment.
“We are in a much stronger position for pitching to investors. [WGIF] gave us an extended runway which means we can weather storms. It gave us increased confidence.”
Daisy Lab